Project Summary
Hallmark Planning & Development is contracted with PACE University for the Erie County Low-Income Program for Sustainable Energy (ECLIPSE). ECLIPSE aims to create a community-scale program to provide integrated energy services for Low to Moderate-Income (LMI) households. It will establish an energy services company to purchase energy in bulk for as many as 60,000 Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) recipients in Erie County. An interdepartmental county team will work with partners, such as utilities and community organizations, to develop strategies to recruit LMI households for this program.
Hallmark collaborates with community groups, partners, institutions, and government departments for research and technical data to investigate paths of affordable, clean, and renewable energy such as Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) and community solar in Erie County for LMI households in Erie County for Municipalities and Low to Moderate-Income households, and impact from a high-level on greenhouse Gas Emissions, Poverty Alleviation and Health.